
EZmap helps users to create a linear or cicular map of mitochondrial genomes.

Use EZmap according to the following instructions:

  1. Prepare a BED file (.bed or .txt) of your mitochondrial genome. Please make sure that:
    • it's a BED file. GFF format will not be detected and the analysis will stop. In case you have a GFF file, convert it (gff2bed should work)
    • the BED file contains 6 fields: 'chrom', 'chromStart', 'chromEnd', 'name', 'score','strand'. The BED file is thaugh to be used as MITOs BED output. Take a look on how a BED file is strucutured here;
    • the annotation file is as complete as possible;
    • for a better output graphic, gene names should be short (e.g. use cox1 instead of cytochrome c oxsidase subunit I);
    • if your genome is incomplete, namely is missing of some genes, use the linear option, otherwise the program will circularize it. Providing a non-reliable biological information
  2. Upload the bed file in the Upload link button.
  3. Choose between linear or circular option from the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose your favourite color for positive chain genes.
  5. Choose your favourite color for negative chain genes.
  6. If the analysis does not produce errors, a compressed folder will be downloaded. Both input and output files will be stored in the compressed folder.

Your data will go through the following steps:

  1. the bed file will be check. If the format is correct it will pass trough the plot creation;
  2. the map will be generated accordingly to the linear or circular option you provided.

Download an input example

*Useful to organize your processed jobs. If not provided, a random ID will be created.